Joel B. Stronberg
Joel B. Stronberg

Joel B. Stronberg, MA, JD, is a senior executive and attorney with over 35 years of experience in federal and state energy, environmental, and sus-tainability issues. He is the founder and principal of The JBS Group, a Washington, DC consulting firm advising and representing public and private sector clients since 1981.

Stronberg is a recognized thought leader in the fields of climate and clean energy. He has served as a Special Counsel at the US Department of Energy at the Under and Assistant Secretarial levels.

Stronberg has lived in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, working with business and educational organizations on sustainable agricultural practices, the use of on-site renewable energy sources, e.g., digesters, and policy development.

These days Joel's all about writing. In addition to his blog Civil Notion, he's a columnist for and a featured voice on, a Top Climate Change Writer on Medium. com, and an inaugural member of the Energy Central’s 100,000 View Club.

Joel is also a regular contributor to other energy and environment publications like the Environmental Law Institute’s journal The Environmental Forum and Solar Today. His book, Earth v. Trump: A Failure to Protect, was released on November 2017.

Stronberg has recently served as a senior advisor to the Legal Pathways for Deep Decarbonization in the US—a joint project of Columbia University's Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and Widener University Common-wealth Law School's Environmental Law and Sustainability Center.

Stronberg is a member of the Association and Club of the Foreign Press Correspondents.

Medium member since March 2019
Connect with Joel B. Stronberg
Joel B. Stronberg

Joel B. Stronberg

Stronberg is a thought leader in the climate community with over 40 years of experience covering environmental and sustainability issues as a freelancer.